Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Knight's Testimony by Brynna

I follow His path, the One who gives peace

in Him is light and life, He will never forsake me

before it was I served Him, before I was saved

I was on a path which led to the Dragon's cave

it was there He found me, the Prince of Farthestshore

my heart is now bound to love and serve Him evermore

when I grow weary, I can go to His Haven

and always I am ready for a task He has given

now though the road is tiring, the path it seems long

He is ever at my side, the Giver of Songs

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1 comment:

  1. Favorite lines: "I follow His path, the One who gives peace...He is ever at my side, the Giver of Songs."
    Amazing poem, Brynna. :D
