Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Fan Fiction Contest 2016 Announcement

It has come...the time when legends are revisited, when dreams are revealed, and realities are altered.....the great Fan Fiction Contest of Goldstone Wood...

Yes, yes, writers all, it is that time!!!

Here are the rules for the contest for those writers among you interested in participating.

1. Your story or poem must be set in the world of Goldstone Wood with recognizable Goldstone Wood themes and elements. You may feel free to invent your own new characters and Faerie demesnes, just be certain that there are enough Goldstone Woodish aspects to make it recognizably part of this world. You may also explore aspects of the novels or characters you are curious about . . . The sky is the limit!

2. Your story may be any length you like. Poetry is also welcome and encouraged!

3. You may submit as many pieces as you like.

4. To submit your story, email it to the library ( no later than August 28, 2016.

5. The stories will be posted on September 1, and voting will run through September 11.  Please vote for your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd favorite.

1st--3 points
2nd--2 points
3rd---1 points

The votes will be tallied by contest absentee, Maid Hannah. 

The winners will be announced on September 12. 


First Prize - A set of 8 collectible pens--one for each novel and one Goldstone Wood pen. 

Second Prize - A set of 3 collectible pens (winner's choice) and one Goldstone Wood pen.

Third Prize - One Goldstone Wood pen plus one more of the book pens (winner's choice).

Take up your pens.....begin!!!